You'll have to set up your email software as the default MAPI server. In Outlook use Tools / Options / Make Default. In Mozilla Thunderbird go to Tools, Options and
This error displays when sending an attachment via Word using the File > Save & Send > Send as Attachment, or any other ways of doing the same thing (e.g. "Email" in quick access toolbar). However, and this is important, it doesn't happen all the time. It's fine for a while then it suddenly starts happening. Får du upp ett felmeddelande där det saknas en MAPI klient eller liknande kan det ibland räcka att lägga in ett par registernycklar för att program som Thunderbird eller Em Client ska fungera ihop med Visma. Starta regedit och öppna följande sökväg (för 64-bit Windows)
Ifall du använder ett mejlprogram som inte har stöd för MAPI kommer inte våra program att kunna hitta detta och då möts du av ett felmeddelande, exempelvis Standardklienten för e-post är inte tillgänglig, Ingen standardklient, mapikompatibel e-postklient saknas. För dig som tidigare han använt Microsoft Outlook:
General Mapi failure -
Asked: 2020-11-11 21:08:04 +0100 Seen: 113 times Last updated: Nov 11 '20
Summary. If you would like to send elements from SuperMemo via e-mail, you will need any MAPI compliant software. If you are not sure what to choose, Windows Live Mail by Microsoft is free, and pretty reliable (similar to Outlook Express). You can also use Thunderbird but it needs to be configured to use MAPI. I have read a few bugs on the MAPI subject and from what I gather, SimpleMAPI is not implemented in T'Bird.
The Moazillazine KB on the subject says that it is and is easy to set Thunderbird as the MAPI client. It isn't, at least not here it isn't. TB is definitely set as the default mail client but Excel, Word, etc.
If the MAPI program interface becomes corrupted, your computer will display a variety of MAPI error messages and you may not be able to send mail from
To run the
6 Feb 2020 But, in some cases, you might see an error message when trying to share or MAPI support like Microsoft Outlook or Firefox Thunderbird. You can use simple MAPI with VBA at least 2 ways. 6 Public Const MAPI_E_DISK_FULL = 4 Public Const MAPI_E_FAILURE = 2 Public Const concerning simple MAPI, but i can share some code to send emails through Thunderbird.
Unspecified failure while processing SSL Client Key Exchange handshake. [one] Thunderbird hittade en nyckel som kan importeras. *[other]
Delphi unicode JCL MAPI Mozilla Thunderbird problem. Related. 4. 2017-12-20
Thunderbird är ett gratis e-postprogram som är enkelt att använda och anpassa - och som är späckat med fantastiska funktioner! You should be able to pick Thunderbird, I show you what you get, if you pick Windows Mail: You see I can pick two options here.
So I'd conclude that thier definition of MAPI compliant is that it requires ExtendedMAPI, even though it apparently failed while making a SimpleMAPI call. Seit dem Update von Thunderbird auf die Version: 52.1.1 (32bit) besteht bei der Übergabe ein Problem mit der MAPI Schnittstelle. Fehler: MAPISendMail failed! General MAPI failure [2] In der vorherigen Version bestanden bei der Übergabe an Thunderbird keine Probleme. Start Thunderbird in Safe Mode & Fix Thunderbird Problems or Errors. To troubleshoot any persisting Mozilla Thunderbird email issues, a user can start the Thunderbird in the Safe Mode. It is because a user can change the Thunderbird settings in the safe mode. Björn haglund trädgårdsinspiratör
Most other mail client software will do the trick as well, I
MAPI (Messaging Application Program Interface) is a Windows file structure uses Extended whereas other software such as Outlook Express and Thunderbird
(MAPI error code 00000000 (0) at line 468 in sendemail.cpp)". I searched above error. I have tried changing to Mozilla Thunderbird and Windows Live Mail.
15. The type of a recipient was not MAPI_TO, MAPI_CC, or MAPI_BCC. Vad rimmar på jonathan
Make sure that the email application is handling send requests outside of Worldox - right click on a document in Windows Explorer and choose Send To->Mail Recipient. If that works, but you still get the MAPI_E_FAILURE message in Worldox, then we'll need to take a deeper look.
Thunderbird is my default, both in the program itself and Internet Options. What more can I do? Trying to send email from a desktop app through the Windows Mail app can lead to Mapi or clsSend errors. To email from a desktop app (such as CTI Navigator Desktop) in Windows 10, 8, or 8.1, first install and configure a desktop email app such as Windows Live Mail, Office Outlook, or Mozilla Thunderbird. Thunderbird's SimpleMAPI support is buggy. It also doesn't fully implement MAPIAddress and MAPIDetails. They always return MAPI_E_FAILURE.
With a very high propability it's a graphics being used in the signature. We had the same issue with a customer using W7 64bit and Office 2010, suddenly MAPI failure. As soon as I disabled the signature it was back working!
Thunderbird is my default, both in the program itself and Internet Options. Chosen solution.
I installed version again and now MapiSendMail works again. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Use MapiSendMail with multiple recipients and attachments. Actual Results: MapiSendMail returns MAPI_E_FAILURE. 2019-12-06
Stats. Asked: 2020-11-11 21:08:04 +0100 Seen: 113 times Last updated: Nov 11 '20
Summary. If you would like to send elements from SuperMemo via e-mail, you will need any MAPI compliant software. If you are not sure what to choose, Windows Live Mail by Microsoft is free, and pretty reliable (similar to Outlook Express).